Synthetic data in R: Generating synthetic data with high utility using mice


Thom Volker & Gerko Vink


In this workshop, you will learn how to create and evaluate synthetic data in R. In the practical, we will work with the R package mice (van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn 2011). mice was originally developed to impute missing data, but, as you will experience, can also be used to impute synthetic data (see Volker and Vink 2021). Other alternatives to create synthetic data are, for example, the R-package synthpop (Nowok, Raab, and Dibben 2016), or the stand-alone software IVEware (IVEware: Imputation and Variance Estimation Software,” n.d.).

In this workshop, you will (at least) use the packages mice (van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn 2011), ggmice (make sure to download the latest version from GitHub, Oberman 2022), ggplot2 (Wickham 2016), patchwork (Pedersen 2022), psych (Revelle 2022), purrr (Henry and Wickham 2022) and synthpop (Nowok, Raab, and Dibben 2016). Make sure to load them (in case you haven’t installed them already, install them first, using install.packages("")).

library(mice)      # to create the synthetic data
library(ggmice)    # to make visualizations of the synthetic data
library(ggplot2)   # required when using ggmice
library(patchwork) # to stitch multiple figures together
library(psych)     # to obtain descriptive statistics
library(purrr)     # to work with multiply imputed synthetic datasets
library(synthpop)  # to assess the utility of our synthetic data

Additionally, make sure to set a seed, so that your results can be compared with our results.


Data: Heart failure clinical records

The Heart failure clinical records data set is a medical data set from the UCI Machine Learning Repository (click here for the source), originally collected by Ahmad (2017) from the Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, and adapted and uploaded to the UCI MLR by Chicco and Jurman (2020). This data set contains medical information of 299 individuals on 13 variables, and is typically used to predict whether or not a patient will survive during the follow-up period, using several biomedical predictors.

If you have R Studio installed on your own machine, you can download the cleaned version of the Heart failure clinical records data set from my GitHub and load it as heart_failure, by running the following line of code.

heart_failure <- readRDS(url(""))

The Heart failure clinical records data consists of the following variables:

  • age: Age in years
  • anaemia: Whether the patient has a decrease of red blood cells (No/Yes)
  • hypertension: Whether the patient has high blood pressure (No/Yes)
  • creatinine_phosphokinase: Level of the creatinine phosphokinase enzyme in the blood (mcg/L)
  • diabetes: Whether the patient has diabetes (No/Yes)
  • ejection_fraction: Percentage of blood leaving the heart at each contraction
  • platelets: Platelets in de blood (kiloplatelets/mL)
  • sex: Sex (Female/Male)
  • serum_creatinine: Level of serum creatinine in the blood (mg/dL)
  • serum_sodium: Level of serum sodium in the blood (mg/dL)
  • smoking: Whether the patient smokes (No/Yes)
  • follow_up: Follow-up period (days)
  • deceased: Whether the patient deceased during the follow-up period

After loading the data, it is always wise to first inspect the data, so that you have an idea what to expect.

age anaemia creatinine_phosphokinase diabetes ejection_fraction platelets serum_creatinine serum_sodium sex smoking hypertension deceased follow_up
75 No 582 No 20 265000 1.9 130 Male No Yes Yes 4
55 No 7861 No 38 263358 1.1 136 Male No No Yes 6
65 No 146 No 20 162000 1.3 129 Male Yes No Yes 7
50 Yes 111 No 20 210000 1.9 137 Male No No Yes 7
65 Yes 160 Yes 20 327000 2.7 116 Female No No Yes 8
90 Yes 47 No 40 204000 2.1 132 Male Yes Yes Yes 8

Additionally, we can ask for a summary of all variables, or use describe() from the psych-package to provide descriptive statistics of all variables.

Note. Make sure to install psych if you haven’t done so in the past.

      age        anaemia   creatinine_phosphokinase diabetes  ejection_fraction
 Min.   :40.00   No :170   Min.   :  23.0           No :174   Min.   :14.00    
 1st Qu.:51.00   Yes:129   1st Qu.: 116.5           Yes:125   1st Qu.:30.00    
 Median :60.00             Median : 250.0                     Median :38.00    
 Mean   :60.83             Mean   : 581.8                     Mean   :38.08    
 3rd Qu.:70.00             3rd Qu.: 582.0                     3rd Qu.:45.00    
 Max.   :95.00             Max.   :7861.0                     Max.   :80.00    
   platelets      serum_creatinine  serum_sodium       sex      smoking  
 Min.   : 25100   Min.   :0.500    Min.   :113.0   Female:105   No :203  
 1st Qu.:212500   1st Qu.:0.900    1st Qu.:134.0   Male  :194   Yes: 96  
 Median :262000   Median :1.100    Median :137.0                         
 Mean   :263358   Mean   :1.394    Mean   :136.6                         
 3rd Qu.:303500   3rd Qu.:1.400    3rd Qu.:140.0                         
 Max.   :850000   Max.   :9.400    Max.   :148.0                         
 hypertension deceased    follow_up    
 No :194      No :203   Min.   :  4.0  
 Yes:105      Yes: 96   1st Qu.: 73.0  
                        Median :115.0  
                        Mean   :130.3  
                        3rd Qu.:203.0  
                        Max.   :285.0  

This gives a good impression about the measurement levels of all variables, as well as the range of the possible values each variable can have.

vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se
age 1 299 6.083389e+01 1.189481e+01 60.0 6.021715e+01 14.82600 40.0 95.0 55.0 0.4188266 -0.2204793 0.6878946
anaemia* 2 299 1.431438e+00 4.961073e-01 1.0 1.414938e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.2754750 -1.9305367 0.0286906
creatinine_phosphokinase 3 299 5.818395e+02 9.702879e+02 250.0 3.654938e+02 269.83320 23.0 7861.0 7838.0 4.4184296 24.5254138 56.1131970
diabetes* 4 299 1.418060e+00 4.940671e-01 1.0 1.398340e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.3305857 -1.8970241 0.0285726
ejection_fraction 5 299 3.808361e+01 1.183484e+01 38.0 3.742739e+01 11.86080 14.0 80.0 66.0 0.5498228 0.0005484 0.6844265
platelets 6 299 2.633580e+05 9.780424e+04 262000.0 2.567301e+05 65234.40000 25100.0 850000.0 824900.0 1.4476814 6.0252322 5656.1650591
serum_creatinine 7 299 1.393880e+00 1.034510e+00 1.1 1.189295e+00 0.29652 0.5 9.4 8.9 4.4113866 25.1888415 0.0598273
serum_sodium 8 299 1.366254e+02 4.412477e+00 137.0 1.368216e+02 4.44780 113.0 148.0 35.0 -1.0376430 3.9841899 0.2551802
sex* 9 299 1.648829e+00 4.781364e-01 2.0 1.684647e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 -0.6204576 -1.6204183 0.0276513
smoking* 10 299 1.321070e+00 4.676704e-01 1.0 1.278008e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.7626368 -1.4231112 0.0270461
hypertension* 11 299 1.351171e+00 4.781364e-01 1.0 1.315353e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.6204576 -1.6204183 0.0276513
deceased* 12 299 1.321070e+00 4.676704e-01 1.0 1.278008e+00 0.00000 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.7626368 -1.4231112 0.0270461
follow_up 13 299 1.302609e+02 7.761421e+01 115.0 1.292780e+02 105.26460 4.0 285.0 281.0 0.1265232 -1.2238150 4.4885455

The describe() function gives more distributional information about all variables.

Creating synthetic data

Broadly speaking, two methods for creating synthetic data can be distinguished. The first one is based on parametric imputation models, which assumes that the structure of the data is fixed, and draws synthetic values from a pre-specified probability distribution. That is, after estimating a statistical model, the synthetic data are generated from a probability distribution, without making any further use of the observed data. In general, this procedure is less likely to result in an accidental release of disclosive information. However, these parametric methods are often less capable of capturing the complex nature of real-world data sets.

The subtleties of real-world data are often better reproduced with non-parametric imputation models. Using this approach, a non-parametric model is estimated, resulting in a donor pool out of which a single observation per observation and per variable is drawn. These models thus reuse the observed data to serve as synthetic data. Accordingly, much of the values that were in the observed data end up in the synthetic data. However, these observed data are generally combined in unique ways, it is generally not possible to link this information to the original respondents. The non-parametric procedures often yield better inferences, while still being able to prevent disclosure risk (although more research into measures to qualify the remaining risks is required). Therefore, this practical will showcase how to generate synthetic data using one such non-parametric method: classification and regression trees [CART; Breiman et al. (1984)].

Now you have a feeling of what the data looks like, we will use these two different ways to create synthetic data: a fully parametric approach, in which the data are synthesized using either linear or logistic regression, and a fully non-parametric approach, in which we synthesize all data using CART.

In general, mice proceeds as follows: from first to the last column in your data set, the given variable is synthesized based on all other variables in the data. Specifically, a model is trained on the observed data, and new values for variable \(X_j\) are imputed on the basis of all other variables \(X_{-j}\). This procedure is repeated sequentially, until all variables are synthesized. In this way, the relationships between the variables are generally preserved.

However, before we can use mice to generate synthetic data, we have to take care of some issues, because mice was not initially developed to create synthetic data. Specifically, we have to do two things: specify which values we want to overimpute and specify which method we want to use for the imputations.

1. Create a matrix of the same dimensions as the original data called where, specifying all cells as the logical operator TRUE.

Hint: You can use the mice function make.where().

where <- make.where(heart_failure, "all")

2. Create a vector of length 13 called method, indicating which (parametric) method to use to synthesize each variable.

Hint: You can use make.method() to create an initial vector with imputation methods, and replace each cell with "pmm" with "norm".

method <- make.method(heart_failure, where = where)
method[method == "pmm"] <- "norm"

Now we have specified which values ought to be synthetic, and which method to use to create the synthetic values, we can actually create the synthetic data.

3. Use mice() to create m = 10 synthetic data sets in an object called syn_param, using the previously specified method vector and where-matrix.

Hint: When creating synthetic data, a single iteration is sufficient when there is no missing data, so we can set maxit = 1.

syn_param <- mice(heart_failure, 
                  m = 10, 
                  maxit = 1,
                  method = method,
                  where = where,
                  printFlag = FALSE)

Creating the synthetic data is a piece of cake. However, after creating the synthetic data, we must assess its quality in terms of data utility and disclosure risk. Quality control is conveniently performed using visual methods, and can be done using the package ggmice (Oberman 2022).

Synthetic data utility

The quality of synthetic data sets can be assessed on multiple levels and in multiple different ways. Starting on a univariate level, the distributions of the synthetic data sets can be compared with the distribution of the observed data. For the continuous variables, this can be done by comparing the densities of the synthetic data sets with the observed data sets. Later on, we also look at the utility of the synthetic data on a multivariate level.

Univariate data utility

4. To get an idea of whether creating the synthetic data went accordingly, compare the 10 rows of the fourth synthetic data set with the first 10 rows of the original data.

Hint: You can use complete(syn_param, 4) to extract the fourth synthetic data set from the syn_param object.

complete(syn_param, 4) |> 
heart_failure |> 
age anaemia creatinine_phosphokinase diabetes ejection_fraction platelets serum_creatinine serum_sodium sex smoking hypertension deceased follow_up
75.11100 Yes 2060.89571 Yes 46.38556 187131.3 2.5139107 130.2098 Male No No No 31.41877
58.99690 No -32.50274 Yes 51.22575 305181.1 2.1044455 143.7124 Male No No No 170.42709
80.99417 No 318.24894 No 17.98667 211219.0 1.1220858 139.9554 Female Yes No Yes -59.47753
51.43676 No 86.26985 No 50.91203 146552.4 2.0270056 136.2363 Female No No Yes 125.68678
70.93176 Yes -111.81437 No 32.73975 190398.2 2.9693363 143.2878 Female No No Yes 52.52242
79.29488 No -1567.74208 Yes 40.78996 321876.9 1.7963209 132.4501 Male Yes Yes Yes 24.25108
73.92658 Yes 2270.81420 No 40.16377 154892.2 2.7336876 130.2880 Male No Yes Yes 51.66466
68.99649 No -732.59574 No 57.68586 236312.4 3.4349341 135.9754 Male No No No -39.48097
52.72441 Yes 984.08018 No 46.42904 269673.5 1.9509181 136.2238 Female Yes Yes No 86.93647
77.71020 Yes 200.34505 Yes 31.18680 119468.1 0.5534818 133.4264 Male No Yes Yes 43.17234
age anaemia creatinine_phosphokinase diabetes ejection_fraction platelets serum_creatinine serum_sodium sex smoking hypertension deceased follow_up
75 No 582 No 20 265000 1.9 130 Male No Yes Yes 4
55 No 7861 No 38 263358 1.1 136 Male No No Yes 6
65 No 146 No 20 162000 1.3 129 Male Yes No Yes 7
50 Yes 111 No 20 210000 1.9 137 Male No No Yes 7
65 Yes 160 Yes 20 327000 2.7 116 Female No No Yes 8
90 Yes 47 No 40 204000 2.1 132 Male Yes Yes Yes 8
75 Yes 246 No 15 127000 1.2 137 Male No No Yes 10
60 Yes 315 Yes 60 454000 1.1 131 Male Yes No Yes 10
65 No 157 No 65 263358 1.5 138 Female No No Yes 10
80 Yes 123 No 35 388000 9.4 133 Male Yes Yes Yes 10

The first thing we can notice, is that the continuous variables are not rounded, as in the original data, which is logical, because we draw these values from a normal distribution. Apart from that, there are negative values in the synthetic version of the variable creatinine_phosphokinase, while the original data is strictly positive. We will come to these issues at a later moment.

Apart from inspecting the data itself, we can assess distributional similarity between the observed and synthetic data. For simplicity, we will first focus on the sixth synthetic data set.

5. Compare the descriptive statistics from the sixth synthetic data set with the descriptive statistics from the observed data.

Hint: Use the function describe() from the psych package to do this.

complete(syn_param, 6) |>

heart_failure |>

The descriptive statistics are not exactly similar, but come rather close in terms of mean and standard deviation. When looking at higher-order moments and the minimum and maximum, we see that there are some noticeable differences. We pay more attention to these issues when we visually inspect the synthetic data.

6. Create a bar plot using geom_bar() for each categorical variable in the data, mapping these variables to the x-axis with one bar per category per imputed data set.

Hint 1: Within ggmice, set mapping = aes(x = VARIABLE, group = .imp), and within geom_bar(), set mapping = aes(y = ..prop..) and position = position_dodge() to make sure the bars are comparable.

Hint 2: You can map over all categorical variables by creating a vector with the column names of all categorical variables, and using purrr::map() in combination with aes_string() and patchwork::wrap_plots().

colnames(heart_failure)[map_lgl(heart_failure, is.factor)] %>%
  map(~ ggmice(syn_param, mapping = aes_string(.x, group = '.imp')) +
        geom_bar(mapping = aes(y = ..prop..),
                 position = position_dodge2(),
                 fill = "transparent",
                 show.legend = FALSE)) %>% 

For the categorical variables, we seem to be doing a good job in recreating the data on a univariate level.

Now we do the same for the continuous variables, but rather than creating a bar chart, we create a density plot.

7. Create a density plot for each continuous variable with ggmice(), mapping these variables to the x-axis, using the function geom_density(), and make sure that each imputed set obtains its own density.

Hint: The code ggmice(syn, mapping = aes(x = VARIABLE, group = .imp)) creates a ggmice object per imputed set.

colnames(heart_failure)[map_lgl(heart_failure, is.numeric)] %>%
  map(~ ggmice(data = syn_param, 
               mapping = aes_string(x = .x, group = '.imp')) +
        geom_density(show.legend = F)) %>%
  wrap_plots(ncol = 2)

Again, we see what we observed previously as well. For some of the continuous variables, we do a poor job in recreating a univariate distribution that is similar to the distribution of the observed variables. This gives a clear indication that something is wrong with our synthesis model.

Of course, this could have been expected, since some of the variables are highly skewed, while we impose a normal distribution on each variable. It is quite likely that we could have done a better job by using more elaborate data manipulation (e.g., transforming variables such that there distribution corresponds more closely to a normal distribution (and back-transforming afterwards)).

For now, we will try a different approach, namely a non-parametric one.

8. Use mice() to create m = 10 synthetic data sets in an object called syn_cart, using the previously specified where-matrix, but now use "cart" as the imputation method.

syn_cart <- mice(heart_failure, 
                 m = 10, 
                 maxit = 1,
                 method = "cart",
                 where = where,
                 printFlag = FALSE)

For now, we will skip looking at the synthetic data, and continue directly to a the visual inspection of the newly created synthetic data, using the previous visualizations as before.

9. Create a bar plot using geom_bar() for each categorical variable in the data, mapping these variables to the x-axis with one bar per category per imputed data set.

colnames(heart_failure)[map_lgl(heart_failure, is.factor)] %>%
  map(~ ggmice(syn_cart, mapping = aes_string(.x, group = '.imp')) +
        geom_bar(mapping = aes(y = ..prop..),
                 position = position_dodge2(),
                 fill = "transparent",
                 show.legend = FALSE)) %>% 

For the categorical variables, we again seem to be doing fine: all proportions are comparable across observed and synthetic data.

Again, we do the same for the continuous variables, using a density plot.

10. Create a density plot for each continuous variable with ggmice(), mapping these variables to the x-axis, using the function geom_density(), and make sure that each imputed set obtains its own density. Compare these plots to the previous figures, what do you notice?

colnames(heart_failure)[map_lgl(heart_failure, is.numeric)] %>%
  map(~ ggmice(data = syn_cart, 
               mapping = aes_string(x = .x, group = '.imp')) +
        geom_density(show.legend = F)) %>%
  wrap_plots(ncol = 2)

We do a much better job than we did before. The synthetic data seems to closely follow the distribution of the observed data, and all irregularities in the observed data are pretty much recreated in the synthetic data, which is what we hope to see.

There are also other, more formal ways to assess the utility of the synthetic data, although there is generally some critique against these methods (see, e.g., Drechsler 2022). Here, we will discuss the most formal utility measure, the \(pMSE\), but there are others (although all utility measures tend to correlate strongly). The \(pMSE\) is defined as

\[ pMSE = \frac{1}{m}\sum^m_{j=1} \frac{1}{n_{obs} + n_{syn}} \Bigg( \sum^{n_{obs}}_{i=1} \Big(\hat{\pi}_i - \frac{n_{obs}}{n_{obs} + n_{syn}}\Big)^2 + \sum^{n_{obs} + n_{syn}}_{i={(n_{obs} + 1)}} \Big(\hat{\pi_i} - \frac{n_{syn}}{n_{obs} + n_{syn}}\Big)^2 \Bigg), \]

which, in our case, simplifies to

\[ pMSE = \frac{1}{10} \sum^{10}_{j=1} \frac{1}{598} \Bigg( \sum^{n_{obs} + n_{syn}}_{i=1} \Big(\hat{\pi}_i - \frac{1}{2}\Big)^2 \Bigg), \]

where \(n_{obs}\) and \(n_{syn}\) are the sample sizes of the observed and synthetic data, \(\hat{\pi}_i\) is the probability of belonging to the synthetic data. Note that to calculate the this measure, each synthetic data set is stacked below the observed data, resulting in \(m=10\) sets of observed and synthetic data.

11. Calculate the \(pMSE\) for the variable creatinine_phosphokinase over all ten synthetic data sets, for both synthetic sets and compare the values between both synthesis methods.

Hint: First, create a list with all \(m=10\) synthetic data sets, then calculate the predicted probabilities for each data set, take the mean over these predicted probabilities, and subsequently, take the mean over the synthetic sets.

param_dats <- complete(syn_param, "all", include = F)

pi_param <- param_dats |>
  map(~ dplyr::bind_rows(`0` = heart_failure,
                         `1` = .x, 
                         .id = "Synthetic") |>
        dplyr::mutate(Synthetic = as.factor(Synthetic)) |>
        glm(formula = Synthetic ~ creatinine_phosphokinase, family = binomial) |>
        predict(type = "response"))

cart_dats <- complete(syn_cart, "all", include = F)

pi_cart <- cart_dats |>
  map(~ dplyr::bind_rows(`0` = heart_failure,
                         `1` = .x, 
                         .id = "Synthetic") |>
        dplyr::mutate(Synthetic = as.factor(Synthetic)) |>
        glm(formula = Synthetic ~ creatinine_phosphokinase, family = binomial) |>
        predict(type = "response"))

map_dbl(pi_param, ~mean((.x - 0.5)^2)) |> 
[1] 0.0005606145
map_dbl(pi_cart, ~mean((.x - 0.5)^2)) |>
[1] 0.0002329283

If you don’t want to perform these calculations by hand, there is functionality in the R-package synthpop to calculate the \(pMSE\) for you.

complete(syn_param, "all", include = FALSE) |>
                   vars = "creatinine_phosphokinase",
                   maxorder = 0, 
                   method = "logit")
Fitting syntheses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

Utility score calculated by method: logit

utility.gen.list(object = complete(syn_param, "all", include = FALSE), 
    data = heart_failure, method = "logit", maxorder = 0, vars = "creatinine_phosphokinase")

Mean utility results from 10 syntheses:
    pMSE   S_pMSE 
0.000561 2.681980 
complete(syn_cart, "all", include = FALSE) |>
                   vars = "creatinine_phosphokinase", 
                   maxorder = 0, 
                   method = "logit")
Fitting syntheses: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

Utility score calculated by method: logit

utility.gen.list(object = complete(syn_cart, "all", include = FALSE), 
    data = heart_failure, method = "logit", maxorder = 0, vars = "creatinine_phosphokinase")

Mean utility results from 10 syntheses:
    pMSE   S_pMSE 
0.000233 1.114329 

It becomes immediately obvious that the \(pMSE\) is higher for the parametrically synthesized data sets, but it is hard to interpret these numbers. To get a more insightful measure, we can take ratio of the calculated \(pMSE\) over the expected \(pMSE\) under the null distribution of a correct synthesis model (i.e., in line with the data-generating model). The \(pMSE\)-ratio is given by

\[ \begin{aligned} pMSE \text{ ratio } &= \frac{pMSE} {(k-1)(\frac{n_{\text{obs}}}{n_{\text{syn}} + n_{\text{obs}}})^2(\frac{n_{\text{syn}}}{n_{\text{syn}} + n_{\text{obs}}}) / (n_{\text{obs}} + n_{\text{syn}})} \\ &= \frac{pMSE}{(k-1)(\frac{1}{2})^3/(n_{obs} + n_{syn})}, \end{aligned} \]

where \(k\) denotes the number of predictors in the propensity score model, including the intercept.

In our case, we get

pMSE_param <- map_dbl(pi_param, ~mean((.x - 0.5)^2)) |> mean()

pMSE_param / ((2-1)*(1/2)^3/(2*nrow(heart_failure)))
[1] 2.68198
pMSE_cart <- map_dbl(pi_cart, ~mean((.x - 0.5)^2)) |> mean()

pMSE_cart / ((2-1)*(1/2)^3/(2*nrow(heart_failure)))
[1] 1.114329

Ideally, the \(pMSE\) ratio equals \(1\), but according to the synthpop authors, values below \(10\) are indicative of high quality synthetic data. This would indicate that both synthesis models are good models to synthesize the variable creatinine_phosphokinase. Yet, I would make some reservations with respect to the quality of the parametric synthesis model in this case.

Multivariate data utility

Being able to reproduce the original distributions is a good first step, but generally the goal of synthetic data reaches beyond that. Specifically, we generally also want to reproduce the relationships between the variables in the data. The problem here is that visualizations are often most insightful to assess the quality of synthetic data, but this is quite cumbersome for multivariate relationships. Creating visualizations beyond bivariate relationships is often not feasible, whereas displaying all bivariate relationships in the data already results in \(p(p-1)/2\) different figures.

In the synthetic data literature, a distinction is often made between general and specific utility measures. General utility measures assess to what extent the relationships between combinations of variables (and potential interactions between them) are preserved in the synthetic data set. These measures are often for pairs of variables, or for all combinations of variables. Specific utility measures focus, as the name already suggests, on a specific analysis. This analysis is performed on the observed data and the synthetic data, and the similarity between inferences on these data sets is quantified.

General utility measures

Continuing with our \(pMSE\) approach, we can inspect which interactions of variables can predict whether observations are “true” or “synthetic” using the standardized pMSE measure, similarly to what we just did using individual variables. Hence, we predict whether observations can be classified based on the interaction of two variables.

Using the functionality of synthpop, we can assess the utility of all bivariate relationships by calculating the \(pMSE\)-ratio for each pair of variables (including their interaction).

12. Use the function utility.gen.list() from the synthpop package to calculate the \(pMSE\)-ratio for each pair of variables for both synthetic sets. What do you see?

utility.gen.list(param_dats, heart_failure)
Running 50 permutations to get NULL utilities and printing every 10th.
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 

Utility score calculated by method: cart

utility.gen.list(object = param_dats, data = heart_failure)

Null utilities simulated from a permutation test with 50 replications.

Mean utility results from 10 syntheses:
    pMSE   S_pMSE 
0.184255 3.293648 
utility.gen.list(cart_dats, heart_failure)
Running 50 permutations to get NULL utilities and printing every 10th.
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 
synthesis 10 20 30 40 50 

Utility score calculated by method: cart

utility.gen.list(object = cart_dats, data = heart_failure)

Null utilities simulated from a permutation test with 50 replications.

Mean utility results from 10 syntheses:
    pMSE   S_pMSE 
0.090983 1.764989 

The CART model was somewhat better, but the difference is relatively small. To get more insight into which variables and bivariate relationships were synthesized accordingly, and which can be improved, we can use utility.tables.list().

13. Use the function utility.tables.list() from the synthpop package to calculate the \(pMSE\)-ratio for each pair of variables for both synthetic sets. What do you see?

utility.tables.list(param_dats, heart_failure,
                    min.scale = 0, max.scale = 40)

Two-way utility: S_pMSE value plotted for 78 pairs of variables.

Variable combinations with worst 5 utility scores (S_pMSE):

Medians and maxima of selected utility measures for all tables compared
       Medians  Maxima
pMSE    0.0174  0.1123
S_pMSE  5.5999 38.3495
df      9.0000 24.0000

For more details of all scores use print.tabs = TRUE.
utility.tables.list(cart_dats, heart_failure,
                    min.scale = 0, max.scale = 40)

Two-way utility: S_pMSE value plotted for 78 pairs of variables.

Variable combinations with worst 5 utility scores (S_pMSE):
                      4.5096                       2.4887 06.platelets:08.serum_sodium 
                      2.2788                       2.0382 

Medians and maxima of selected utility measures for all tables compared
       Medians  Maxima
pMSE    0.0021  0.0102
S_pMSE  1.1433  4.5096
df      9.0000 24.0000

For more details of all scores use print.tabs = TRUE.

Here, we finally see that our parametric synthesis model is severely flawed. Some of the \(pMSE\) ratios are larger than 30, which means that these variables are close to useless when the goal is to make inferences. Our non-parametric synthesis model is doing very good. A maximum \(pMSE\)-ratio that is smaller than \(5\) actually indicates that our synthetic data are of high quality.

Specific utility measures

Specific utility measures assess whether the same analysis on the observed and the synthetic data gives similar results. Say that we are interested in, for instance, the relationship between whether a person survives, the age of this person, whether this person has diabetes and whether or not this person smokes, including the follow-up time as a control variable in the model.

14. Fit this model as a logistic regression model using with(), and pool the results over synthetic data sets. Compare the synthetic data results with the results obtained on the original data, what do you see?

with(syn_param, glm(deceased ~ age + diabetes + smoking + follow_up, 
                    family = binomial)) |>
  pool(rule = "reiter2003") |>
  summary() |> |>
  tibble::column_to_rownames('term') |>
            estimate std.error statistic        df p.value
(Intercept)   -0.673     0.845    -0.797   307.391   0.426
age            0.012     0.012     0.998   301.565   0.319
diabetesYes    0.000     0.277    -0.002   768.556   0.999
smokingYes    -0.103     0.280    -0.367  2582.697   0.713
follow_up     -0.006     0.002    -3.603 10863.920   0.000
with(syn_cart, glm(deceased ~ age + diabetes + smoking + follow_up, 
                   family = binomial)) |>
  pool(rule = "reiter2003") |>
  summary() |> |>
  tibble::column_to_rownames('term') |>
            estimate std.error statistic       df p.value
(Intercept)   -1.361     0.868    -1.568 1602.892   0.117
age            0.031     0.013     2.465 1587.998   0.014
diabetesYes    0.317     0.291     1.089 3357.733   0.276
smokingYes    -0.097     0.307    -0.315 4186.269   0.752
follow_up     -0.012     0.002    -5.401  792.157   0.000
 glm(deceased ~ age + diabetes + smoking + follow_up, 
     family = binomial,
     data = heart_failure) |>
  broom::tidy() |>
  tibble::column_to_rownames('term') |>
            estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept)   -0.847     0.903    -0.937   0.349
age            0.037     0.013     2.740   0.006
diabetesYes    0.110     0.310     0.355   0.722
smokingYes    -0.206     0.326    -0.631   0.528
follow_up     -0.019     0.003    -7.486   0.000

The results obtained when using solely parametric methods deviate substantially from the results obtained on the original data. When using CART, the results are somewhat different, but are actually quite comparable. All coefficients are estimated with a similar sign, and the deviations from the true relationships are small compared to the standard errors.

Statistical disclosure control

In general, synthetic data protects the privacy of participants quite well, especially when all cells are imputed. Even if some observations are partly reproduced, it is hard, if not impossible, to assess which part of an observations values are real, and which are fake. Hence, with respect to individuals little can be learned from synthetic data. However, it is always good to assess whether you are not accidentally releasing an actual observation in the synthetic data. Even though an attacker is not likely to find out, participants being able to “identify” themselves in the synthetic data set may result in trust problems in the future.

17. Append the original data to the synthetic data, and check whether some of the observations in the original data also occur in the synthetic data.

Hint 1: You do not have to do this for the data generated with parametric methods, because these do not reproduce the original values, at least not for the continuous variables.

Hint 2: Start with the synthetic data, remove the variables .imp and .id, and append the original data to it. Subsequently, you can use duplicated() and which() to check whether (and if so, which) observations occur repeatedly.

complete(syn_cart, "long") %>%
  dplyr::select(-c(.imp, .id)) %>%
  dplyr::bind_rows(heart_failure) %>%
  duplicated %>%

None of observations occur repeatedly, so we have not accidentally copied any of the “true” observations into the synthetic sets. This provides some safeguard against accidentally releasing sensitive information. However, if the data contains really sensitive information, this might not be enough, and one could for example check whether the synthetic data differs from the observed data along multiple dimensions (i.e., variables). Such additional checks depend on the problem at hand. Additionally, one might want to take additional measures against accidentally disclosing information about observations, for example by drawing some of the variables from a parametric distribution. Even before distribution synthetic data, think wisely about whether there may remain any disclosure risks with respect to the data that will be distributed.

Inferences from synthetic data

Lastly, when you have obtained a synthetic data set and want to make inferences from this set, you have to be careful, because generating synthetic data adds variance to the already present sampling variance that you take into account when evaluating hypotheses. Specifically, if you want to make inferences with respect to the sample of original observations, you can use unaltered analysis techniques and corresponding, conventional standard errors.

However, if you want to inferences with respect to the population the sample is taken from, you will have to adjust the standard errors, to account for the fact that the synthesis procedure adds additional variance. The amount of variance that is added, depends on the number of synthetic data sets that are generated. Intuitively, when generating multiple synthetic data sets, the additional random noise that is induced by the synthesis cancels out, making the parameter estimates more stable.

To make valid inferences, you can use the combining rules presented by Reiter (2003). For scalar \(Q\), with \(q^{(i)}\) and \(u^{(i)}\) the point estimate and the corresponding variance estimate in synthetic data set \(D^{(i)}\) for \(i = 1, \dots, m\), the following quantities are needed for inferences:

\[ \begin{aligned} \bar{q}_m &= \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{q^{(i)}}{m}, \\ b_m &= \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{(q^{(i)} - \bar{q}_m)}{m-1}, \\ \bar{u}_m &= \sum_{i=1}^m \frac{u^{(i)}}{m}. \end{aligned} \]

The analyst can use \(\bar{q}_m\) to estimate \(Q\) and

\[ T_p = \frac{b_m}{m} + \bar{u}_m \]

to estimate the variance of \(\bar{q}_m\). Then, \(\frac{b_m}{m}\) is the correction factor for the additional variance due to using a finite number of imputations.

When using pool(..., rule = "reiter2003"), the correct pooling rules are used automatically.


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