We use the following packages:


I fix the random seed to 123


  1. Use the following function to calculate the bootstrapped estimate for the correlation between age and weight on the boys data set. Use R=1000 bootstrap samples.
corfun <- function(data, i){
  data.sample <- data[i,]
  stat <- cor(data.sample$age, data.sample$wgt, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")

To apply the corfun() function in the bootstrap function boot(), we run:

bootstr.cor <- 
  boys %>%
  boot(corfun, R = 1000)

Our object bootstr.cor contains all the bootstrap information about the correlation parameter

  1. Explore the contents of the bootstr.cor object. For example, use function attributes() to see the listed dimensions that are within the bootstr.cor object and the class of the object.
## $names
##  [1] "t0"        "t"         "R"         "data"      "seed"     
##  [6] "statistic" "sim"       "call"      "stype"     "strata"   
## [11] "weights"  
## $class
## [1] "boot"
## $boot_type
## [1] "boot"

we see that the bootstr.cor object has class boot.

##      age  hgt   wgt   bmi   hc  gen  phb tv   reg
## 3  0.035 50.1 3.650 14.54 33.7 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 4  0.038 53.5 3.370 11.77 35.0 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 18 0.057 50.0 3.140 12.56 35.2 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 23 0.060 54.5 4.270 14.37 36.7 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 28 0.062 57.5 5.030 15.21 37.3 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 36 0.068 55.5 4.655 15.11 37.0 <NA> <NA> NA south

The most interesting listed dimensions are the following:

## [1] 0.9505762
##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.9479980
## [2,] 0.9471073
## [3,] 0.9486481
## [4,] 0.9532484
## [5,] 0.9550052
## [6,] 0.9505718

The average bootstrapped estimate would then be

bootstr.cor$t %>% mean
## [1] 0.9507128
##      age  hgt   wgt   bmi   hc  gen  phb tv   reg
## 3  0.035 50.1 3.650 14.54 33.7 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 4  0.038 53.5 3.370 11.77 35.0 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 18 0.057 50.0 3.140 12.56 35.2 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 23 0.060 54.5 4.270 14.37 36.7 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 28 0.062 57.5 5.030 15.21 37.3 <NA> <NA> NA south
## 36 0.068 55.5 4.655 15.11 37.0 <NA> <NA> NA south

  1. Plot the histogram of the individual bootstrapped estimates for every bootstrapped sample (i.e. $t).
plotdata <- data.frame(t = bootstr.cor$t)

plotdata %>%
  ggplot(aes(t)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 20) + 
  geom_density(col = "orange") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = bootstr.cor$t0, col = "orange", linetype = "dotted")

  1. Add a column to boys that indicates whether boys are overweight by taking the boundary bmi > 25.

Remember that body mass index takes the ratio weight-over-heigth-squared into account and the validity of the interpretation does change for children vs. adults.

We can use function mutate() to assign values to a new column (variable) ovw for boys that have a bmi <= 25 (smaller or equal) or bmi > 25 (larger). The if_else() function can be directly applied to call if_else(condition, true, false).

boys2 <- boys %>%
    mutate(ovw = if_else(bmi <= 25, "Not Overweight", "Overweight")) 

There are now 20 Overweight boys:

boys2 %$%
## ovw
## Not Overweight     Overweight 
##            707             20

  1. Bootstrap a \(X^2\)-test that evaluates the distribution of overweight ovw boys over the regions reg. We can copy the previous function and replace the line for our test-statistic:
X2fun <- function(data, i){
  data.sample <- data[i,]
  tab <- data.sample %$%
    table(ovw, reg) 
  X2 <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(tab))

I use suppressWarnings() to suppress the warnings the \(X^2\) test is going to give us, because some of the expected cell-frequencies are below 5. I only return the chi-squared estimate by asking for X2$statistic. This is because function boot expects an estimate as return, not a whole list of estimates.

bootstr.X2 <- 
  boys2 %>%
  boot(X2fun, R = 1000)

## Call:
## boot(data = ., statistic = X2fun, R = 1000)
## Bootstrap Statistics :
##     original   bias    std. error
## t1* 3.650944 3.769159    4.986556

  1. Plot the histogram of the individual bootstrapped estimates for every bootstrapped sample (i.e. $t).
plotdata <- data.frame(t = bootstr.X2$t)

plotdata %>%
  ggplot(aes(t)) + 
  geom_histogram(bins = 40) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = bootstr.X2$t0, col = "orange", linetype = "dotted")

The sampling distribution of the estimate is quite skewed.

  1. Do a bootstrap of the regression estimates of the following model:

The function that would give us the regression estimates for the parameters is e.g. :

lmfun <- function(data, i){
  data.sample <- data[i,]
  coef <- data.sample %$%
    lm(wgt ~ age + hgt + I(hgt^2)) %>%

and if we plug that function into boot() for R = 1000 bootstrap samples, we obtain

bootstr.lm <- 
  boys %>%
  boot(lmfun, R = 1000)

## Call:
## boot(data = ., statistic = lmfun, R = 1000)
## Bootstrap Statistics :
##         original        bias     std. error
## t1* 23.853118370  1.386391e-01 1.8572544564
## t2*  0.710865240  8.265404e-04 0.2334275999
## t3* -0.498229914 -2.482243e-03 0.0366745633
## t4*  0.003722907  9.426072e-06 0.0002206243

Again, the observed data regression estimate is:

##  (Intercept)          age          hgt     I(hgt^2) 
## 23.853118370  0.710865240 -0.498229914  0.003722907

  1. Create a histogram of the individual bootstrapped estimates
est <- bootstr.lm$t
colnames(est) <- (c("Intercept", "wgt", "hgt", "hgt^2"))

reshape2::melt(est) %>%
  ggplot(aes(value)) + facet_wrap(~Var2, scales = 'free_x') +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

  1. Calculate the confidence intervals for

We can use function boot.ci() to automatically obtain the confidence intervals from our estimates.

## Warning in sqrt(tv[, 2L]): NaNs produced
## Based on 1000 bootstrap replicates
## CALL : 
## boot.ci(boot.out = bootstr.lm)
## Intervals : 
## Level      Normal              Basic             Studentized     
## 95%   (20.07, 27.35 )   (20.05, 27.54 )   (20.09, 27.99 )  
## Level     Percentile            BCa          
## 95%   (20.16, 27.66 )   (19.91, 27.28 )  
## Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale

We can also use the quantiles() for the $t dimensions. For example, to obtain the cut-offs for .025 and .975 from the empirical distribution for the intercept, use:

quantile(est[, "Intercept"], c(0.025,0.975))
##     2.5%    97.5% 
## 20.19144 27.62233

or, for all estimates when using apply():

apply(est, 2, function(x) quantile(x, c(0.025,0.975)))
##       Intercept       wgt        hgt       hgt^2
## 2.5%   20.19144 0.2511471 -0.5692692 0.003302579
## 97.5%  27.62233 1.1622391 -0.4285475 0.004166733

The quantile() function yields a slightly different result from the percentile bootstrap estimates, because the quantile function uses a quantile algorithm - number 7 out of 9 types of algorithm. Read all about these algorithms in the help.

To calculate the percentile bootstrap CI by hand:

sort(est[, "Intercept"])[c(25, 976)]
## [1] 20.16351 27.65708

End of Practical